MICREAUPLUIE - Role, perceptions et representations of alternative techniques for stormwater source management vis-à-vis urban pollution (2017)

Scientific coordinator: Sylvie Barraud (DEEP) – sylvie.barraud@insa-lyon.fr
Disciplines: Social Geography – Urban Hydrology
Laboratories: DEEP – EVS
Partner: Lyon Métropole


There has been a paradigm shift in stormwater management in recent years. The notion of a central network has been replaced by decentralised solutions (e.g. grassed swales, green roofs, rain gardens and pervious pavements). These systems differ from traditional stormwater management in that they are highly multifunctional and integrated into spatial planning, and they potentially involve a wider range of players in their life cycle (users interacting closely with the structures, designers and managers such as public or private services responsible for water, roads, green spaces or urban planning) with widely differing technical cultures and organisations. This complexity raises a number of questions, particularly regarding their real effectiveness and their appropriation by the various players, be they users, project owners, designers or managers.

This project aims to compare (i) proven scientific knowledge, via a better understanding of what we can expect from these alternative systems for managing pollutants, particularly the micropollutants referred to in the European Water Directive and (ii) the practices, perception and representations of players (users, influencers, designers, project owners and managers) with regard to stormwater source management systems and their relationship with the pollutants and micropollutants associated with urban activities. The first point consists in an experimental monitoring of four source systems and the second involves interviews with designers, managers, project managers and people in change of maintaining them, particularly but not exclusively with regard to the systems. This will also involve a technical press review (quantitative text and content analysis) of the past two to three decades and an international survey via the 'Source Control Management' working group on the subject.