GOURAMIC - Reconstruction of soil occupation by the automatic classification of multitemporal images (AAP 2018)

Scientific coordinator: Laure Tougne (LIRIS)
Disciplines: Computer Science – Geography
Laboratories: LIRIS – EVS
Partners: Lyon Métropole – Centre Léon Bérard


Air contamination by pesticides and the lifelong exposure of populations is now suspected of being at the origin of several diseases including certain types of cancer. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly being used in epidemiological studies, be it to determine clusters of diseases, compare health and environmental indicators or study the spatial distribution of certain diseases, including cancer.
No spatial indicator currently exists, however, of exposure to pesticides. To remedy this absence of data for retrospective epidemiological studies, the Centre Léon Bérard invited the LIRIS and EVS laboratories, having complementary expertise in automatic image processing and geomatics respectively, to develop an innovative methodological approach to reconstitute lifelong environmental exposure to pesticides. The ultimate aim of the GOURAMIC project is therefore to develop software to automatically analyse old aerial photographs (made available by IGN). This will enable the rapid and precise characterisation of the various types of parcels (different crops, crops vs. urban, etc.) The software will use innovative image processing techniques to try to add colour to old aerial photographs based on current photographs, taking into account the specific nature of these images as well as their temporal and spatial aspects. By retracing and considering the environment of 1,500 individuals by characterising soil occupation from 1970 to the present, the GOURAMIC project will generate a considerable amount of specific geographical information, particularly in terms of associated farming practices and individuals' mobility during this period. The resulting software will also contribute to improving the representation of atmospheric pollution phenomena, with the aim of assisting decision-making processes.
All the data produced will provide the public authorities with new knowledge and offer an innovative basis for the study of past exposure and its current effects. The results of this study will make it possible to fine tune and tailor recommendations in terms of public health for public players in the Healthcare and Spatial Planning fields. Lastly, this project promotes excellence in Healthcare in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region by drawing on techniques, tools and expertise outside the Healthcare field and favouring innovation and interdisciplinarity.