Résultats de la recherche pour : design

  • 17 juillet 2018

    POUDEV – Energy policies and customs in the city (2012)

    Summary: The energy transition is emerging as a new urban public issue which is the subject of debate. Alongside the traditional energy management players (government, major industrial players in the sector), urban players are emerging (local communities, local technical operators – particularly housing operators – resident associations, etc.). While the issue of the energy transition […]

  • Atelier IMU Jeux urbains, une première séance réussie

    1ère partie Cette première partie (durée 1h20) fut consacrée à jouer, pratique indispensable pour se mettre en condition – 5 jeux étaient disponibles : URBALOG URBALOG est un jeu de plateau destiné à la formation et la médiation autour du croisement des enjeux de l’aménagement urbain et des enjeux de la logistique urbaine. Encadré par […]

  • URPOLSENS – Wireless SENSor Networks for URban POLlution Monitoring (2015)

    Summary: Monitoring air pollution is an issue of major importance. Today, knowledge about concentrations of pollutants is obtained by combining models of road traffic, weather, etc. and precise measurements taken by a few stations but very costly and therefore few in number. This results in estimates of average pollution levels on a very large scale. […]

  • JANUS – Serious digital archaeology game integrating social customs (2012)

    Summary: The JANUS project aims to design, execute and validate the modalities for a mainstream online social game (computer or mobile device) to enhance the attraction, awareness and self-learning of scientific methods in archaeology, as a precursor to more ambitious developments. The innovative overall approach aims to combine archaeological site visits, museum tours and online […]

  • ASTRAL – Spatial-temporal analysis of traffic data for smart mobility (2014)

    Summary: Large agglomerations are faced with rising and increasingly diverse mobility demands, just as the need for sustainable mobility is also a growing focus. The joint evolutions of “urban rhythms” and “territories of daily living” are tending towards individualisation of mobility practices. Policy-makers seem to be addressing these issues, at least in the large agglomerations, […]

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