Résultats de la recherche pour : transport

  • 21 janvier 2019

    Projet MAM : Maquette Augmentée pour la Médiation

    Les expertises nécessaires afin de mettre en place un tel dispositif sont nombreuses : Sciences des données géographiques Informatique graphique Médiation Sciences de l’information Ludification Les partenaires du projet ERASME : il apporte son expertise dans la conception de produits, de contenu, la ludification et apportera tout son savoir faire pour les phases d’idéation autour des […]

  • 21 novembre 2018

    Retour sur la 2ème séance organisée par IMU « Jeux urbains » du 8 novembre 2018

    Tests de jeux La séance de tests de jeux est toujours un moment important de l’atelier. Jeu MOBILITY Avant de démarrer la séance de test, Cécile Becarie et Nicolas Chiabaut du laboratoire IFSTTAR ont présenté les objectifs du projet (http://magnum.ifsttar.fr) Étudier du point de vue de la recherche l’impact des choix individuels sur la performance […]

  • 23 juillet 2018

    SIMODEM – Simulate the mobility of household waste (2018)

    Summary: The SIMODEM research project aims to enrich our understanding of factors affecting mobility associated with household waste in the urban environment and propose a model. The aim is to estimate all the environmental impacts associated with the management of the various types of household waste, from production to collection, recycling and disposal of the […]

  • COCOVN – Collaborative design for natural air conditioning (2018)

    Summary: The aim of this project is to offer a methodology providing a framework for simulating scenarios, as well as a set of indicators and tools for evaluating and analysing the sustainable performance of players involved in the logistics and transport of fresh products in order to estimate the sustainability of new urban food delivery […]

  • 17 juillet 2018

    VÉLOVGR – “Vélover la ville” (cycle the city) (2013)

    Summary: Urban self-service bicycle sharing systems have been developing rapidly on an international scale for less than a decade, and correspond to a change in mobility, public services and contemporary urban practice. This innovation, which resembles individual public transportation, makes the user the producer of their mobility and the co-producer of the evolution of an […]

  • PRIVA’MOV – Mobility and privacy: from data collection to analysis (2013)

    Summary: The goal of this project is to make a platform for collecting new types of urban and social mobility records available to the researchers of the IMU community, to deepen their research and validate their hypotheses and models. Many communities seek to improve their understanding of urban mobility behaviours: scientific communities (sociologists, philosophers, geographers, […]

  • 16 juillet 2018

    ELUD – Urban logistical efficiency of sustainable food (2017)

    Summary: The aim of this project is to offer a methodology providing a framework for simulating scenarios, as well as a set of indicators and tools for evaluating and analysing the sustainable performance of players involved in the logistics and transport of fresh products in order to estimate the sustainability of new urban food delivery […]
