Colloque international « Smart Communities in Europe and Japan »
16-17 septembre 2015 – Lyon
Sciences-Po Lyon, 14 avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7°, amphi Leclair
Ce colloque est organisé par les laboratoires IAO et LET avec le soutien de l’ADEME, l’ENS LYON, Science-Po Lyon et en partenariat avec Grand Lyon Métropole et le labex IMU.
Résumé : Attempts to create low carbon or more energy efficient cities are not new as evidenced by many sustainable or eco-districts achievements in various European countries. Japan too has seen several programmes to support the development of sustainable cities such as the “Demonstration of Next-Generation Energy and Social Systems” programme launched by the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) which has given birth to “Smart Communities”. Under the supervision of NEDO, it has also initiated several experiments abroad including that of the Lyon Confluence district. Linking energy and urban challenges, “smart communities” experiments aim to test out technologies (including that of the smart grid) in limited areas, seeking ways to co-ordinate them while at the same time collecting data that will inform solutions which, ultimately, could be extended to cover entire cities.
Whilst the European experiments in Lyon, Malaga and Manchester are ongoing with NEDO support, the « Smart Communities » programme in Japan was set to end in March 2015. The purpose of this workshop is to present the Japanese Smart Community programme and discuss its main outcomes in the different areas of energy management, transport and mobility initiatives, comparing those outcomes with those in the Lyon confluence district as well as in other cities such as Malaga in Spain, Manchester in the UK and Los Alamos in the USA. The workshop will be based on the research conducted by IAO and LET within the framework of a PREDIT/ADEME programme.
Keynote speaker:
- Takanori IDA, Professor University of Kyoto, Graduate School of Economics.
Confirmed academic speakers:
- Patrick Criqui, PACTE-EDDEN
- Gregory Noble, University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Sciences
- Hiroaki Inokuchi, Kansai University
- Bruno Faivre d’Arcier, University of Lyon, Lyon 2, LET
- Yveline Lecler, University of Lyon, Sciences-Po, IAO
- Benoît Granier, University of Lyon, IAO
- Nicolas Leprêtre, University of Lyon, ENSL, IAO
- Wenjie Wang, University of Kyoto, Graduate School of Economics
Confirmed non-academic speakers:
- Eymeric Lefort, Grand Lyon Métropole
- Cécile Auber, Grand Lyon Habitat
- Olivier Delassus, Proxiway
- Karine Dognin-Sauze, Vice-Président, Grand Lyon Métropole
- Maxime Valentin or Benoit Bardet, Société Publique Locale Lyon Confluence