Résultats de la recherche pour : documents

  • 12 décembre 2018

    Compte-rendu de la Journée de revue croisée R&D ADEME / IMREDD / LabEx IMU (10 octobre 2018)

    1ÈRE SÉQUENCE La première séquence portait sur l’adaptation urbaine au changement climatique, de trois manières assez différentes. Valéry Masson (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, CNRM – UMR 3589) a fait un retour sur le projet PAENDORA (TÉLÉCHARGER LA PRÉSENTATION), Planification, Adaptation et Energie : Données territoriales et accompagnement (ADEME, MODEVAL URBA, 2017-2020). Il a évoqué […]

  • 23 juillet 2018

    COCOVN – Collaborative design for natural air conditioning (2018)

    Summary: The aim of this project is to offer a methodology providing a framework for simulating scenarios, as well as a set of indicators and tools for evaluating and analysing the sustainable performance of players involved in the logistics and transport of fresh products in order to estimate the sustainability of new urban food delivery […]

  • 16 juillet 2018

    ELUD – Urban logistical efficiency of sustainable food (2017)

    Summary: The aim of this project is to offer a methodology providing a framework for simulating scenarios, as well as a set of indicators and tools for evaluating and analysing the sustainable performance of players involved in the logistics and transport of fresh products in order to estimate the sustainability of new urban food delivery […]

  • IDENUM – Digital urban identities (2016)

    Summary: This project addresses visual representations of the city through the production and publication of photographs and texts online and in particular on social media. The project aims to describe and characterise practices to document and archive the urban area by photography, linking them to individual and collective public and private projects conferring status and […]

  • REVISOLS – City regeneration and polluted or potentially polluted soils (2015)

    Summary: REVISOLS addresses the issue of city regeneration from the point of view of soil repurposing. Reconstruction/densification is now a priority in a public policy context that aims to limit urban sprawl and encourage compact cities. This project takes an upstream approach, addressing the issue of soils polluted or potentially polluted by past industrial and […]

  • 20 novembre 2017

    Mylène Pardoen, archéologue-musicologue, fait écouter la ville du passé

    Archéologue du paysage sonore, cela consiste en quoi ? L’archéologie du paysage sonore consiste, pour des époques plus ou moins éloignées, à pister les traces sonores sur tous types de documents, puis les analyser afin de comprendre les articulations, les rythmes et les porosités qui existent. Dans une toute dernière étape, l’archéologue propose des restitutions […]

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